Cross Country Farm is more than just a farm, more than a land surrounded by fences, waters or forests. It is situated in between hills, located on the outskirts of the Prod village in Hoghilag commune, Sibiu county. It is more than just a six-bedroom bed and breakfast where nature lovers come to ride horses and admire these divine creatures, where they feel more content and free. It is the land where one beautiful human’s dream came to life; not through a fairytale-like wonder, but due to countless years of work and struggle.
How else could the path to achieving your greatest dream be, if not paved by challenges, obstacles, and fears in order to ultimately be able to enjoy and relish in the fruit of your labour? Like a blooming tree, the farm first took root, grew tall, bore the first fruits, and now awaits a more abundant harvest.
Love, madness and dreaming sometimes fall under the same name. In our case, that name is Mihnea Vîrgolici - the one who brought this place to life through his passion, energy and talent. What was once a hops farm, fourteen years later became this concoction of rural experiences.
The farm brings together visionary people who create unique experiences in the Romanian equestrian tourism segment, in some ways like a Matrioska doll that uncovers new layers each time the team grows.
The positioning of the farm right in the heart of Transylvania, between the counties of Sibiu and Mures, is in the vicinity of charming sceneries as well as cultural properties protected by UNESCO. Cross Country Farm became the meeting ground of those who seem to bear the seal of change in the world. Whether young or old, they are wise visionaries, who through their work and passion change lives and destinies.
From the children who grew up in the village, to high-school classmates, adults, to strangers from all around the world, everyone recognises the energetic power of the place. They come here to recharge on holidays, or when the Transylvania Horse Show is organised - a pioneering project now in its sixth edition. Transylvania Horse Show and Karpatia Horse Show, a more recent project, are both organised by Mihnea Vîrgolici.
We love Transylvania. We love horses. We love design. We love people. We love. And we love loving! We honour friendship. We adore freedom. We respect nature. This is us. Cross Country Farm. A handful of people who exchanged the big city noise for the peace of a place which we, and our friends, call HOME.